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A member registered Oct 30, 2019

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That was really coold :D good job

I liked the game! I wish you could only get the kill the lord ending at the start, because later on it made it hard to protect him if an enemy was close to him... i killed him myself XD

Hehe yea, well i guess you had a good magical chalk buddy :D

No need to be sad, friendship is always there :D and it shines brighter

It ends at 4 minutes currently, I want to change it to 3 - one for each year of highschool, with some indication to the player.

Yea the colliders are large, I wanted to fit it based on the sprite i load but didnt make it in time :C maybe ill fix that after rating

thanks :) that was my favorite part

thanks! I totally agree with you on feedback.

This is the first time i entered as a developer since im usually on the art team, so i was really nervous regarding making it all work. And the entire time i was like , this needs more feedback! But damn it doesnt work yet so i should focus on that xD

Maybe ill some on the weekend :)

Also now i need soyboy xD

(1 edit)

Thanks! good point :) ill update it this weekend